Guiding you from Here to There!
What is Creativity and Innovation Coaching:
It is building capacity for creativity, innovation, leadership and transformation . It is turning ideas into action, putting creativity to work, and developing strategies for innovation. It is providing accountability and motivation for achieving your goals!
*Re-ignite your creative spark
*Build creativity and innovation capabilities at a personal level and within your organization
*Identify and remove barriers to innovation
*Learn a structure for developing and managing creativity and innovation in your organization
*Learn influencing and persuasion skills to present your ideas, get people on board and turn your ideas into action
*Develop strategic design-thinking and creativity skills
*Map out a course toward your destiny with an execution strategy
Coaching helps innovators address the following leadership challenges:
*Collaborating, partnering and co-creating
*Fostering a culture that supports creativity and innovation
*Stimulating innovative and solution-focused thinking
*Navigating complexity and ambiguity
*Effective decision-making
*Mobilizing teams and implementing innovation
*Focus and energy
*Improved business performance
How does coaching work?
*Creativity and innovation assessments
*Creative leadership skills development
*Customized homework and resources
*Keeping a journal of your progress
*E-mail support between calls
Time and commitment involved:
You receive two one-on-one sessions per month that involve focused conversations, deep explorations and designing
action steps (homework) to help you achieve your goals. Much of coaching is done by phone and Includes “spot coaching”
via email or quick calls between sessions. The time frame for one-on-one coaching is typically 3–6 months.
What are the benefits of Creativity and Innovation Coaching?
*Coaching provides focused time to address and clarify what is a matter of importance to you
*Building a greater capacity for leadership and motivation
*Developing coach-like qualities in yourself and your team that foster creativity and innovation
*Accelerating progress in learning new skills and positive behavioral transformation
*Improved relationships; both personal and professional
*Increased creativity, productivity and efficiency individually and in teams
*Creative resilience
*Increased earnings
*More free time
My Heartfelt Commitment
I will help you maximize your potential by continually giving my best. I will help you increase your self-awareness through a creative process of discovery and reflection. I will use active listening skills and artfully pose open-ended questions. I will offer you support in exploring options and understanding the consequences of the choices and decisions you’ve made. I will graciously hold you accountable for the commitments you make and their effect on others. I will ensure that the work and the desired results from it are clearly understood. I will assume integrity and honesty from you until you show me otherwise. I will capitalize on teachable moments that create opportunities to offer you meaningful feedback. I will use my skills and techniques to competently guide you toward fulfilling your objectives. I will collaborate with you to set appropriate goals and strategic action plans. I will help you reframe life situations and refocus how you try to address them. I will be resolute in working with you to move ever forward in building the destiny you were made for!